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  • Foto do escritorProfª Ana Clara

Daily routine | Vocabulary and conversation

Here is an advanced daily routine vocabulary list for English students, with their translations in Portuguese:

  1. Wake up - Acordar

  2. Brush teeth - Escovar os dentes

  3. Shower - Tomar banho

  4. Get dressed - Vestir-se

  5. Make bed - Fazer a cama

  6. Eat breakfast - Comer o café da manhã

  7. Read the news - Ler as notícias

  8. Commute - Se deslocar

  9. Work - Trabalhar

  10. Attend a meeting - Participar de uma reunião

  11. Take a lunch break - Fazer uma pausa para almoçar

  12. Exercise - Fazer exercícios

  13. Study - Estudar

  14. Take a nap - Dormir por um curto período

  15. Do house chores/tasks - Fazer tarefas domésticas

  16. Cook dinner - Cozinhar o jantar

  17. Watch TV - Assistir TV

  18. Surf the internet - Navegar na internet

  19. Play video games - Jogar jogos eletrônicos

  20. Listen to music - Ouvir música

  21. Read a book - Ler um livro

  22. Write in a journal - Escrever em um diário

  23. Chat with friends - Conversar com amigos

  24. Take a walk - Dar uma caminhada

  25. Go shopping - Fazer compras

  26. Attend a social event - Participar de um evento social

  27. Take a bath - Tomar banho de banheira

  28. Get a massage - Receber uma massagem

  29. Meditate - Meditar

  30. Practice yoga - Praticar yoga

  31. Do hobbies - Fazer hobbies

  32. Attend a class - Participar de uma aula

  33. Visit a museum - Visitar um museu

  34. Go to the cinema - Ir ao cinema

  35. Travel - Viajar

  36. Attend a concert - Participar de um show

  37. Go to the gym - Ir a academia

  38. Have a picnic - Fazer um piquenique

  39. Play sports - Praticar esportes

  40. Go fishing - Ir pescar

  41. Go hiking - Ir a uma trilha

  42. Volunteer - Fazer voluntariado

  43. Attend a religious service - Participar de um serviço religioso

  44. Spend time with family - Passar tempo com a família

  45. Take a drive - Dar uma volta de carro

  46. Have a barbecue - Fazer uma churrascada

  47. Go to the park - Ir ao parque

  48. Have a party - Fazer uma festa

  49. Go to bed - Ir para a cama

  50. Sleep - Dormir

I hope this list is helpful for your studies!

Here are 15 questions to spark a conversation about daily routines:

  1. What's your typical morning routine like?

  2. What's the first thing you do when you wake up?

  3. How do you usually start your day?

  4. What's your favorite part of your morning routine?

  5. Do you have a set breakfast routine, or do you like to mix things up?

  6. What's your work day like?

  7. Do you take any breaks during the day?

  8. What's your favorite part of your workday?

  9. How do you unwind after work?

  10. What's your evening routine like?

  11. Do you have any hobbies or interests you like to pursue in the evenings?

  12. What's your bedtime routine like?

  13. Do you have any sleep rituals to help you fall asleep?

  14. How does your daily routine change on weekends?

  15. Do you like to mix up your routine sometimes or do you prefer a more structured schedule?

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